- Last modified:
- May 11, 1999
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The Yu Family

Wei-Kuei (Eric)
- Ph.D./ Research Assistamt
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- The Pennsylvania State University
- 317 Reber Building
- University Park, PA 16802
- Phone: (814) 861-6813
- Fax: (814) 863-4848
- Email: [email protected]
Advisor: T. A.
Harris |
Technical Interests/Experience
- Ball and Roller-Bearing technology, tribology, machine design
- Model Validation of Ball/V-ring
test rig developed by Pratt
and Whitney Aircraft Inc. This rig simulates the conditions by a
ball in the angular contact ball bearing of gas turbine engine
- Development of a new stress-based fatigue life model for rolling
element bearing. The new model contains:
- Octahedral shear stress and hydrostatic stress(perpendicular to
the octahedral plane) are chosen as Failure-causing stresses
- Based on Weibull theory but different form from L-P theory
- No depth (z) effect
- New stress-life constant (c)
- Incremental stress volume from I-H theory
- Effective stress volume
- Design of an tension/torsion machine to reproduce the stress cycle
occuring under a contact. A tubular specimen can also be under
alternative internal pressure. This machine can be used to further
understand the failure mode under contact.
September 1995 - Present
- Ph.D. candidate in Mechanical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State
University, University Park, PA 16802
- Thesis: A New Fatigue Life Model for Rolling Element Bearings
- (Expected date of graduation: May, 1999)
August 1991 - September 1994
- MS in Mechanical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University,
State College, PA, 16802.
- Thesis: Adaptive-Passive Control of Structural Vibration via
Piezoelectric Materials with Adaptive Circuit
September 1984 - May 1988
- Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering, National Chung-Hsing
University, Taichung, Taiwan
- Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- Member of STLE
- Harris, T. A. and W. K. Yu, "Lundberg-Palmgren Fatigue Theory:
Considerations of Failure Stress and Stressed Volume," ASME Journal of
Tribology, to be published.
- Harris, T. A., M. N. Kotzalas, and W. K. Yu, "On the Causes and
Effects of Roller Skewing in Cylindrical Roller Bearings," STLE, to be
- Wang, K. W., J. S. Lai, and W. K. Yu. "An Energy-Based Parametric
Control Approach for Structural Vibration Suppression via Semi-Active
Piezoelectric Networks." ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics vol.
118, n. 3, pp. 505-509 (1996).
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